Mon 27 Jan
🍒YuM❤ YuM 💢 C🍩Mⓔ ☆GeT💦 §ⓞmⓔ🍭 SeXy SuDuctive✦JaDa 248*818*8650✦ AMAZiNG SKiLLS💫T✪TAL 👌Package - 26
UP LATE NITE * ALWAYS AVAIL **TOY** Ready to play?! * I'M READY IF U R! * Soooo SATISFYING!!!: ) - 27
specials, $50/ $60/ $80 all night specials! kissing, deep tissue massages, catch & devoures! - 30
(Detroit, redford,)
【Perfect Booty】 ✓【Great Attitude】 ✓ 【 Great Reviews 】 ✓ 【HIGHLY SKILLED】 ✓【Available NoW】 DUOs ✌ - 20
(Flint, 2486949618)
Special Hump Day You wont regret coming to see me. That I Promise n-Calls only in LP - 40
*! Night Time *!*! S.e.x.y Lipz *!* With nice hips "*!* Petite Babe *!*! Specials - 24
(Detroit, warren telegraph)
New to the U.S. Cuban princess liena $100 outcall specials all day! metro area - 21
(Detroit, auburn hills/pontiac/troy/rochester hill)
NEW* 💝 100% Sexy RussiAn 💋 ❇*OUTCALL Specials ¨❤Ann arbor-Belleville- Romulus 🍎🌴🍒 - 21
(Ann Arbor, ann arbor-Belleville-romolus OUTCALLS)
((NEW)) SeXxy CuRvy & ReAdY To GiVe U MaXxiMuM PleAsUrE(; AsK AbOuT My SpEciAls - 22
(Detroit, Detroit/Telegraph/SouthfieldFWY/Dearborn)
KOREA & JAPAN mix doll. ▒▓█❤█▓▒.614-420-2649 SHORT STAY (WOW 5-Star Service) 🎀🎀 ▒▓ - 25 - - - 25
(Detroit, Korea and Japan mix last day)
Karma & Desire READY to Come to U! **OUTCALL ONLY - 20
(Detroit, RomulusAnnArborDearbornTaylorSouthfield)
Krystalblonde One Gorgeous BBW (Bendable, Beautiful, Woman) - 29
(Detroit, AIRPORT,Detroit,Canton,Westland,Romulus)
Ms.Bad Bitch Lacey is a Stunningly Gorgeous Upscale Provider! AVAILABLE 24/7 even if i'm not posted! - 24
(Grand Rapids, Grand Rapids,Holland,Everywhere!)
JuIcEy CHALDEAN Cutie!!! Black hair, blue eyes, thick thighs! °° ..$60 special 3136857326 - 25
(Detroit, telegraph/Plymouth)
***Kali The Sexiest And Freakiest Puerto-Rican To Touch Your State*** - 27
(Detroit, 13 Mile Little Mack Area)
★ H!T ME 1Time.. I PROMISE ..... ★' YOU'LL BE HOOKED LIKE CRACK ★ - 19
(Detroit, DOWNTOWN . (Cleañ & Safe)
°°Ferra°°19yrs. 231~342~6573.. DISCOUNT!!!! - 19
(Northern Michigan, Traverse city.charlavoix. petosky.)
DoUbLe Ds DoUbLe Ds DOuBLe Ds Out Calls Only Upscale residential areas - 22
(Detroit, We CoMe tO YOu......YoU CoMe TO Us)
$$ How freaky do you want me to get baby??? $50 incalls $80 outcalls 3137402346 - 22
(Detroit, Westside incalls/ outcalls)
★.•*¨¨*• :☆:-•* CLASSY •-: ☆ :-•*¨SWEET☆*• •-: ☆:-•*PLEASING¨*• •- ☆ - 22
(Detroit, sterling height 17 mile)
*BLUe EyeZ* BaNgIN BoDy*DoLL FaCe* brand New pic 1000% incall specialz - 26
(Detroit, madison heights 14mile troy)
ChRistMAs speCIAls- KrISty H&@d dOcToRs outcalls only - 31
(Detroit, Detroit/southfield/ann arbor/livoina)
Are you looking to have the time of your life??313 685 9842 - 25
(Ann Arbor, Wayne County near Metro Airport)
36DD☆... ☆ ...BEAUTIFUL... ☆ ... B L O N D E ... ☆ ... CALIFORNIA BARBIE... ☆ 36DD - 27
(Detroit, In call southfield/ Outcall everywhere)
CL!CK HERE!!! $$$80$$$ (((( hoTTie w/ HOT specials....))) miXed $$$80$$$ CALL ME!!!! - 22
(Detroit, 696 telegraph (southfield))
$$ Amazingly Tasty And Mouth Watering $$ $65 specials all night only - 25
(Detroit, downtown Detroit area)
► ► ✨ *1* REVIEWED █▬█❶▀█▀ [ X Mins] R@T€D GiRL ✨ αvαiℓabℓε ➜ ✨【 δωεε† && Crεam¥ 】RΞΛÐ¥ TØ PŁΛ¥ - 23
(Detroit, Southfield 696/Evergreen NEW PICS)
🍩🌟🍩Amazing's REAR-END or ALL 3 Special...I'm New in town,(313) 778-8105 🍩🌟🍩 - 23
(Detroit, 696 & DEQUINDRE)
$50 specials all day! prostate massage, catch & devoures, salad toss, deep kissing! - 30
(Detroit, I-96 middlebelt area)
#1 FuN GiRL✔💔 --- FuLL oF EnerGy✔💔 --- ReaDy 2 PLay✔💔 --- ★ 100% ALL ReaL PhoTos ✔ - 27
(Detroit, Your Place ONLY)
***35,40,50,70,100 New "PriNcESS MaRiAh"LaTe Night Passion Let Me MAke Ur DreAms CoMe TrUe* * - 21
(Detroit, westland, garden city, canton)
2 mature hotties both-35y/o great specials visiting a blonde & a brunette!!! - 29
(Detroit, I-94 & Merriman/ Metro Airport in&out;)
Get Paid Up To $40 Per Hour As A Virtual Erotic Performer In An Online X-Rated Computer Game - 36
(Ann Arbor, Detroit, Flint, Grand Rapids, Jackson, Kalamazoo, Lansing, Monroe, Online)